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{ PPlib Version 7 - November 24, 2004 PPlib is a set of common functions for the Palm OS Pascal Compiler Made by Laurent Duveau & Philippe Guillot web site = www.aldweb.com web site = http://ppcompiler.free.fr e-Mail = info@aldweb.com e-Mail = ph.guillot@wanadoo.fr Use: insert {$i PPlib.pas} in your PP source code Functions: BoolToInt(B:boolean):integer; IntToBool(N:integer):boolean; IntToHexChar(H:integer):char; IntToString(N:integer):string; Max(A,B:integer):integer; Min(A,B:integer):integer; RealToFix(X:real;D:integer):string; RealToString(R:real):string; Spc(N:integer):string; StringToInt(const S:string):integer; StringToReal(S:string):real; SubString(const S:String;iStart,iEnd:integer):string; } function BoolToInt(B:boolean):integer; begin BoolToInt:=Ord(B); end; function IntToBool(N:integer):boolean; begin IntToBool:=N>0; end; function IntToHexChar(H:integer):char; begin if H in [0..9] then IntToHexChar:=chr(H+ord('0')) else if H in [10..15] then IntToHexChar:=chr(H-10+ord('A')) else IntToHexChar:=chr(0); end; function IntToString(N:integer):string; var S:string; procedure StrIToA(var S:string;N:integer); inline($4E4F,$A0C9); begin StrIToA(S,N); IntToString:=S; end; function Max(A,B:integer):integer; begin if A>B then Max:=A else Max:=B; end; function Min(A,B:integer):integer; begin if A<B then Min:=A else Min:=B; end; function RealToFix(X:real;D:integer):string; var I,K:integer; S:string; function Pow10(N:integer):real; var Mask:Integer; Y:real; begin if N=0 then Y:=1 else begin Mask:=$8000000; Y:=10; while Mask>N do Mask:=Mask div 2; Mask:=Mask div 2; while mask<>0 do begin Y:=sqr(Y); if (N and Mask)<>0 then Y:=Y*10; Mask:=Mask div 2; end end; Pow10:=Y; end; begin if X>=0 then begin X:=X+5/Pow10(D+1); I:=trunc(X); X:=X-I; end else begin X:=-X+5/Pow10(D+1); I:=trunc(X); X:=X-I; I:=-I; end; S:=IntToString(I)+'.'; for K:=D downto 1 do begin X:=X*10; I:=trunc(X); S:=S+chr(ord('0')+I); X:=X-i; end; RealToFix:=S; end; function RealToString(R:real):string; type FlpDouble = record Hi,Lo:integer; end; procedure f_ftod(var Y:FlpDouble;x:real); inline($7400+11,$4E4F,$0306); procedure FlpFToA(X:FlpDouble;var st:string); inline($7400+1,$4E4F,$0305); var D:FlpDouble; S:string; begin f_ftod(D,R); FlpFToA(D,S); RealToString:=S; end; function Spc(N:integer):string; var I:integer; S:string; begin S:=''; for I:=1 to N do S:=S+' '; Spc:=S; end; function StringToInt(const S:string):integer; function StrAToI(const S:string):integer; inline($4e4f,$a0ce); begin StringToInt:=StrAToI(S); end; function StringToReal(S:string):real; type FlpDouble = record Hi,Lo:integer; end; procedure FlpAToF(var X:FlpDouble;var St:string); inline($7400+2,$4E4F,$0305); function d_dtof(X:FlpDouble):real; inline($7400+12,$4E4F,$0306); var D:FlpDouble; begin FlpAToF(D,S); StringToReal:=d_dtof(D); end; function SubString(const S:String;iStart,iEnd:integer):string; var SubS:String; i:integer; begin SubS:=''; for i:=Max(iStart,1) to Min(iEnd,Length(S)) do SubS:=SubS+S[i]; SubString:=SubS; end;
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